
Musique Machine Reviews

From Musique Machine:

Toby Dammit – L’Uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo
L’Uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo is the new slice of effective face pounding and brain slapping power electronics outpouring from imposing tattooed covered Italian Toby Dammit( aka Emanuele Gorreri)

Churner – Spirit Defector
Built via microphones, processors, turntables and voices Spirit Defector is all about building a hope sucking, sludgy and dense noise drone/violent ambient crossbreed; which pulls you down in a very grimly satisfying and often suffocating manner.

Blues Control – Local Flavor
Blues Control are on to to something here; this their third album, following two diverse albums, Puff and a self titled album, both released in 2007. The aforementioned LP’s consisted of some of the most interesting music of the year of their release, wrenching maximum effect from seemingly minimal means. The band consists of Lea Cho and Russ Waterhouse, switching off on fuzzed out guitar, ancient keyboards and tape loops. The percussion is provided not by a drum machine, but sourced from a Walkman. The previous albums were sometimes rough around the edges, as in the opening track of Blues Control, which is so overblown as to barely be contained. During the more docile moments, the music contained on those first two records possesses a ragged roughness which reminds of late sixties drone/experimental practitioners, particularly Terry Riley.

Tarab – Take All The Ships From The Harbour,And The Take T
07’s Wind keeps even Dust Away; the last album by Tarab(Australian sound artist Eamon Sprod) still stands as one my favourite manipulated field recording records of all-time; with it’s highly captivating,atmospheric & skilful manipulation of wind and other haunted sounds. So when I heard about this new album I was understandble very excited.

Pixel – The Drive
The Drive takes the distinctive and key Raster-Noton clinical and static lined electro beat back bone, and adds it to moody and often cinematic guitar amplifier atmospric dwells and drones- all taking the labels distinctive sound in a new direction.

Textile Orchestra – For the Boss
For the Boss is a wonderful eye bulging,deranged and manic muilt-coloured sonic out pouring in two lengthy parts. Taking in elements of: crazed cartoon like improv, total twisted turntablism, musical elements snatched and abused from all manner of places, and general unhinged sonic tomfoolery.

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23five Releases

From 23five:

Jason Kahn
Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point is a 47 minute composition, which Kahn has dedicated to his daughter who died shortly before Kahn began working on this piece in 2007. For all of the phenomenological studies and stoic mesmerism attributed to much of his catalogue, Vanishing Point is a subtle and hypnotic elegy for rattling metals, timbral vibration, gossamer static, hissing field recordings, and those aforementioned colored noises. Soon into the piece, Kahn introduces a flickered ghost of melody whose luminous tones manifest ever so slightly against his contrails of noise. The upper register hiss and statics of these layered noises slowly drop in pitch and frequency over the duration of the piece, revealing subharmonic rumblings and an oceanic current that tugs at the agitated textures of Kahn’s surface noises. This glacial, minimalist shift renders Vanishing Point elegant and meditative.

Take All the Ships from the Harbour, and Sail them Straight into Hell

The title to this album from Tarab is striking enough in its allusions of damnation, with a watery grave a potential outcome from human activity impacting the earth. So, it may be stating the obvious that the corroded locations where mankind has scarred the surface of the earth feature prominently in the work of this Melbourne based sound artist. The residual elements of these sites become the agents for metaphor and allegory in Tarab’s work, documented through field recording and sympathetic actions with found objects from those sites. Tarab unveils as revolving series of exaggerated details from a hyperbolic gash of two heavy pieces of metal grinding against themselves to a toxic chorale of nighttime insects to sand, wind, and surf detourned into sedimentary white noise. Tarab’s compositional sensibility shifts throughout the album, at first sparsely situating these sounds into shadowy vignettes. Gradually, Tarab coalesces this sublime opus into an arcing crescendo which exhibits sustained harmonics rarely heard in the best of the contemporary dronemusik technicians much less from the realm of sound ecology.

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The Necks on Tour

Upcoming tour dates from The Necks:

Known as one of the great cult bands of Australia, The Necks conjure music that defies description in orthodox terms.

Not entirely avant-garde, nor minimalist, nor ambient, nor jazz, the music of The Necks is regularly described as, simply, unique. Together for over twenty years, they have honed an assured process of building around repeated motifs through subtle shifts and layering, to produce an extraordinarily dense and hypnotic effect frequently underpinned by an insistent deep groove. As their dedicated followers know, their performances are entirely improvised consisting of two pieces evolving over around 50 minutes each and are an experience that has to be heard to be believed.


21 May: Halifax – Dean Clough
8.00pm / Tickets £15/ £12

22 May: Birmingham – CBSO Centre
8.00pm / Tickets £13/£9
Box office : 0121 780 3333

27 May: London – Union Chapel – support by Hauschka
7pm / Tickets £15 adv

28 May: Bristol – St Georges
8.00pm / Tickets £15(£13); £10(£8)

29 May: Dunfermline – Carnegie Hall
7.30pm // Tickets £12.50
Box Office: 01383 602302

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