AMN Reviews

AMN Reviews: Shinkiro – The Birth of the Gods (Cyclic Law)

With The Birth of the Gods, seasoned ambient composer Shinkiro tackles no less a tale than the genesis of the deities inhabiting this world, as prescribed by Shinto lore and entered through the arch of the vespertine torii adorning its cover. Threaded into a narrative of fire, water, wind, moon, and sun, it sweeps in on a heaving gale. In calmer moments, tones spiral downward like dandelion fluff coming to rest. One section seems to open the portal to a manifestation of ineffable purity, before the next rolls around in the primordial muck. Shinkiro’s cohesive narrative is admirably roiled by contrast, which broaches the issue of whether the advent of the gods – agents of destruction as much as creation – was an entirely good thing. Though when enjoying the magnificent track “Mountains,” you cannot help but think it was good.

Stephen Fruitman