AMN Reviews

AMN Reviews: The Green Kingdom – Ether Hymns (Dronarivm)

More than a decade ago, in a now defunct webzine, the present reviewer wrote that “The Green Kingdom´s survey of its dreamy domain is too melodic to be ambient, too narcotic to keep a regular beat, too ambient to carry a pop tune.” It is a “gentle hybrid that allows the visitor to take his time and have a good look around Michael Cottone’s unique realm.” 

The more things change, the more they stay the same, thankfully in this case. Ether Hymns is album of ambient guitar and shimmering effects in an ambient Eden imbued with the spirit of mind-body balance. As an opening, smudge wisps cleanse the air and dissolve any walls between inside and outside. Each subsequent piece is neither long nor short, but just right. Once or twice I think I hear a hint of Cobalt Blue-era Michael Brook, but only as a suggestion, a briefly flashing shared memory. Despite the roiling clouds resplendent in scarlet featured in the usual gorgeous Dronarivm packaging, the prettiness of Ether Hymns is unabashedly sunny,subtly watercolored and carries a floral scent without ever being cloying. Its unforced beauty grows with each listen.

Stephen Fruitman

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