AMN Reviews

AMN Reviews: Apparitions – Eyes Like Predatory Wealth (2022; The Garrote)

Eyes Like Predatory Wealth begins with Sunn O))) styled sludgy guitar chords accompanied by synth drones and a hyperactive drummer. These primal forms are the result of an unconventional recording process, where Andrew Dugas, Grant Martin, and Igor Imbu were located in different cities.

Going beyond telematics, each recorded his respective tracks independently from the others with only outlines and time frames for each piece (10, 20, and 30 minutes, respectively). None of the three were aware of their bandmates’ contributions until all were completed. Thus, each piece is a time-shifted improvisation, lacking any of the interaction and feedback between musicians that would typically take place.

And somehow, it works. In addition to the power chording, more introspective passages employ high-pitched notes and feedback, along with long-held synth tones. While not quite limited to a tectonic pace, these efforts evolve slowly. Case in point, the 20-minute River of Fundament takes its entire length to build from quiet origins to crescendo, and then back to whence it came.

The first ten or so minutes of The Moon is Only Aggressive When You Are There are pure ambiance, with minimalistic synth layers (not unlike Sarah Davachi) and very soft accentuations from the drum kit. The drumming slowly becomes more prominent while remaining subdued relative to the other efforts. The guitar joins in, though also in a quiet fashion, with feedback and rough walled noise drifting in the background. As time goes on, the drumming becomes a continuous baseline over which the guitar and synth explore various droning techniques. The final five minutes serve as an aggressive finale, with overdriven guitar and ponderous drumming bringing the piece (as well as the album) to a close.

Fans of drone metal will love this one. Eyes Like Predatory Wealth comes out on October 14 from The Garrote.