AMN Reviews

AMN Reviews: AJNA – Lucid Intrusion (2018; Cyclic Law)

AJNA is a U.S. dark ambient act who goes by the name “Chris F”, and has put out numerous albums over the last few years. Lucid Intrusion is his first release on Cyclic Law, and is a fitting addition to the label’s oeuvre.

The focus here is on walled drones combined with crackling electroacoustic elements that represent a lucid dream gone horribly wrong. This dreamscape is windswept with rumblings of distant thunder as well as more foreboding nearby sounds. Layers of breathy static and processed samples lurk in the foreground, but are often gone as fast as they arrived. At times, the drones seem to growl, while the samples can be jarring and percussive. But much of this occurs at low volume levels, on the edge of perception.

This is a strong release that fans of Raison d’Etre should find appealing.