
Newsbits: Julie Kjær Reviewed / Kayo Dot Reviewed / Frantz Loriot Reviewed / New Tristan Perich

Lots of reviews this week.

First, we have Julie Kjær’s Dobbeltgænger reviewed by the Chicago Reader.

Kayo Dot’s new recording, Plastic House on Base of Sky, is reviewed by Burning Ambulance.

Jazz Right Now reviews The Assembly by Frantz Loriot’s Systematic Distortion Orchestra.

A decade after his 1-Bit Music release became the first ever circuit album, and six years after his 1-Bit Symphony garnered critical acclaim, composer/artist Tristan Perich returns with a new circuit composition entitled Noise Patterns, on Physical Editions. Noise Patterns is out July 22 worldwide. Pre-sales will be at as of June 24.