
Newsbits: Brain Waves to Music / Eno’s Discreet Music / Swimming in Bengal and Chaos Echoes Releases

Photograph of Brian Eno at a 2006 Long Now Fou...

Move over Google Glass, there is now a head mounted device that turns brain waves into music.

Brian Eno‘s Discreet Music has been re-recorded acoustically, and is available on the Cantaloupe Music label.

Ashes for Gwynn is a 50 minute live improv recording from the Swimming in Bengal outfit. It falls somewhere between jazz and Indian classical music.

Chaos Echoes’ Transient is a new release out soon from Utech Records. It is an complex, experimental metal-oriented recording.

One reply on “Newsbits: Brain Waves to Music / Eno’s Discreet Music / Swimming in Bengal and Chaos Echoes Releases”


I just wanted to let you know how fascinating the work of Aiste Noreikaite is and how much I appreciate your bringing her to wider notice!


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