
Newsbits: Vijay Iyer’s New Release / Oneohtrix Point Never in LA / Premoticon in NY / League of Composers Competition / Ives’ Study / Improvised Beings Releases

Charles Ives
Cover of Charles Ives

Vijay Iyer‘s new release is reviewed here and here.

Oneohtrix Point Never‘s recent LA show is reviewed, as is Premoticon in New York.

The League of Composers/ISCM-US Section Composers’ Competition is open to all composers with United States citizenship or legal residence. The winner will receive a $500 cash prize and possible performance in New York City.

Charles Ives‘ study has been recreated.

Improvised Beings has released two new offerings, Benjamin Duboc: St. James Infirmary, and Itaru Oki: Chorui Zukan.