
Newsbits: Cecil Taylor Wins Kyoto Prize / Cooke and Collins in Bristol / Tim Kaiser and Others in Nashville / Willie Oteri Release

Cecil Taylor at moers festival 2008
Cecil Taylor at moers festival 2008 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Legendary pianist Cecil Taylor has won the Kyoto Prize.

Seth Cooke and Henry Collins perform in Bristol, UK on June 26.

Instrument-maker, circuit-bender, and ambient musician Tim Kaiser is performing at Noa Noa (Nashville, Tenn) on Saturday, June 29th. Dylan Simon & Amy Blackburn Simon will blend voice, synthesizer, and hurdy gurdy into a tapestry-gilded gateway to the dream world. Devin Bell (Blight Side of Life) will harness the power of audience smart phones and use them as multi-channel speakers in which to broadcast his circuit-bent drone set.

Recordings of German tour dates in 2012 of guitarist Willie Oteri (WD-41, Spiral Out, Dino J.A. Deane, Scott Amendola, Tony Levin, Mike Keneally, etc) have produced several live tracks that have been edited and mixed for an album titled Shrunken Head Shop – Live in Germany to be released in CD format on August 27, 2013. Prior to the official CD release a few live tracks, running 8 plus minutes to nearly 25 minutes, will be released one by one a few weeks apart in wav, audio, mp3 and other download formats at various sites like